Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ford 9 Inch

Here's another car part I painted several years ago. I have always been interested in so-called "realism" and getting an accurate representation of what I'm painting, but at this point in my painting career, I was too impatient to take the time to get it completely right, so there may or may not be that many actual teeth or splines (or whatever it is they're called!) on the wheel.  I do think the slightly clumsy draftsmanship gives it some charm. I would love to paint another one of these.
Oil on Canvas
14 x 18

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Car Parts

Here is another older drawing of mine, in oil pastel on board. Continuing the theme of car parts. 
The large painting I am working on is coming along, I'm working as fast as I can but it's taking me much longer than I thought it would. I'm hoping to be able to show it here by September.